Challenge: Enhance the functionality and organoleptic properties of its products through the application of delayed or controlled release technology, such as encapsulation of functional, active or flavour components. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Controlling the release of functional or flavour components in food and drink products is beneficial, as it allows the […]
product development
Challenge: A ‘low-’ or ‘no-’ fat coating is required to give the perception of a full fat product. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: The product is fat-free and it is desirable to coat the product in such way so that, when consumed, the immediate impression is one of a full fat product. […]
Challenge: To maximise salivation, or the perception of salivation, in a dry product. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: The product is a dry powder product that is consumed directly, the powder delivers flavour and functional ingredients, but is often considered to be ‘mouth drying’, astringent or de-hydrating as the product is consumed. […]
Challenge: Identify new or enhanced ingredients or technologies that can provide NextGen energy for non-alcoholic beverages. This can be cognitive or physical energy. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Consumers continue to look for food and beverages to address specific performance and wellness requirements. Energy drinks are well established and underpinned by caffeine […]
Challenge: Reducing acidic flavour and improve the sensory characteristics of an ambient-fill, cold chain distributed product. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: The product is an ambient-fill, cold chain distributed, viscous emulsion that incorporates low pH ingredients to maintain food safety. The challenge is therefore to maintain food safety of the product throughout […]
Challenge: Retention and stability of volatile flavour compounds Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Volatile compounds are key flavour and aroma compounds, however they are susceptible to losses due to volatility and reactivity. The loss and degradation of the flavour compounds results in an overall decrease in flavour perception, product quality and consumer […]
The sober curious movement has been in existence, depending on who you ask, for the last five to ten years. It is a term coined by author, Ruby Warrington, that describes an individual’s active reflection of their alcohol consumption habits, and their mindful approach to how and when they choose […]
Consumers have not typically looked to the bakery market for healthy sustenance, but the pandemic has resulted in a more hands-on approach to baking and therefore a renewed interest in what goes into our food and our body. Consequently, the industrial baker has opportunities to fulfil the increased demands for […]
Cocoa is a highly valued commodity that has been cultivated in the Amazon and Orinoco River regions for three millennia. The Spanish encouraged the planting of cocoa throughout its colonies, but this was fraught with difficulties due to the very specific climatic conditions required for successful cropping, namely high ambient […]
Let’s be honest, we all love a snack, whether it’s trail-mixes, popcorn or crisps, through to chocolate, confectionery and snack-bars; but they rarely tick the ‘healthy-eating’ box. As a more mindful approach to nutrition emerges, self-care becomes an increasingly important factor, and healthy snacks need to deliver good nutrition as […]