
6 posts

Controlled release

ACTION CALL: F24/099/1 Controlled Release

Challenge:  Enhance the functionality and organoleptic properties of its products through the application of delayed or controlled release technology, such as encapsulation of functional, active or flavour components. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Controlling the release of functional or flavour components in food and drink products is beneficial, as it allows the […]

Perforated packaging materials

ACTION CALL: P24/024/3 Perforated packaging material.

Challenge:  A perforated packaging material, either permeable or semi-permeable to allow the controlled release of active ingredients. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: A packaging material, similar to a tea-bag, is used to contain a functional product.  The current product is limited in its ability to control the release of the functional components […]

Reducing Acidic Flavour - Image of Mayonnaise

ACTION CALL: F23/305/1 Reducing acidic flavour.

Challenge:  Reducing acidic flavour and improve the sensory characteristics of an ambient-fill, cold chain distributed product. Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: The product is an ambient-fill, cold chain distributed, viscous emulsion that incorporates low pH ingredients to maintain food safety. The challenge is therefore to maintain food safety of the product throughout […]

Powdered Beverages Mix

ACTION CALL: B23/220/2 Powdered Beverages.

Challenge: Powdered Beverages Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Consumers desire fully natural, good for you, easily dissolvable, and indulgent powdered beverages. The client is looking to enable the creation of new, powdered products which exhibit these desirable characteristics through alternative, natural, ingredients and technologies which fulfil these desired characteristics. Goal: The identification […]

Enhancing taste of beverages.

ACTION CALL: B23/220/1 Enhancing Taste

Challenge: Enhancing taste in beverages Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Consumers often indicate that some beverages deliver a strong and enticing aroma, which is not matched by their flavour intensity. It is believed this is due to the lack of ability to deliver taste in the mouth, rather than through olfactory target […]

Coffee cup. Volatile flavour stability and retention.

ACTION CALL: F23/200/1 Volatile flavour stability and retention

Challenge: Retention and stability of volatile flavour compounds Client: Global FMCG manufacturer Background: Volatile compounds are key flavour and aroma compounds, however they are susceptible to losses due to volatility and reactivity. The loss and degradation of the flavour compounds results in an overall decrease in flavour perception, product quality and consumer […]