Food Manufacturing 4.0- Going paperless to Ensure Food Safety Over 1,650 metric tonnes of paper is used every year in UK food manufacturing. Paperwork is the core component of any Quality Management System from recipes, through specifications to on line quality control checks, quality assurance audits, hygiene audits, metal detector […]
The Aurora Ceres Blog
ACTION Ref: F/15/224/1 Patented ColdBake Technology Summary Our client, an innovative bioscience research company is seeking suitable applications for their patented ColdBake technology. ColdBake technology enables crunchy food end products components to be produced in such a way that allows for the incorporation and delivery of heat sensitive additives such […]
ACTION Ref: B/15/146/1 -Beverage Technology – Liquid Nourishment Summary Our client is seeking suitable ingredients & technologies that can be applied to liquid nourishment products (drinkable snacks). The liquid nourishment product shall be ‘ready to drink’ products that are designed to enhance wellbeing through delivery of balanced nutrition and […]
ACTION Ref: F/15/146/2 – Food Technology Snack Nourishment Summary Our client is seeking suitable ingredients & technologies that can be applied to food snack products that deliver an enhanced nutritional functionality. The product applications are likely to be snack products, but a broader profile including, but not limited to; sports […]
ACTION Ref: B/15/104/2 New Sensations – Beverage Technology Summary Our client is seeking to revolutionise the beverage market for adults and children through delivery of innovative and exciting products. A key element of this revolution is to enhance the consumers’ multi sensorial experience of drinking. No longer will a beverage […]
ACTION Ref: B/15/104/1 Beverage technology-FUN and PLAY ingredients Summary Our client is seeking to revolutionise the under 16 beverage market through delivery of innovative and exciting products. A key element of this revolution is to enhance a child’s engagement with their drink and make the consumption experience fun and engaging, […]
Food Waste: Does voting help you waste less? First published by Food Science Technology Show 30/04/15 We have something of an issue in the UK. We are suffering from a western disease; being fat and wasteful. It may be surprising to consider that these seemingly separate issues are driven by the […]
First published at Food Matters Live 30/04/15 The manifestos have been written, the debates are underway and the media coverage of the each Party’s intentions is inescapable. The obvious topics, such as the NHS and Education, are given much airtime. Yet there is a clanger-dropping omission in terms of party […]
FIRST PUBLISHED at : 22/04/15 Developing or reformulating products that are healthier is an on-going challenge, with a constant stream of ‘eat this’, ‘don’t eat that’ ‘eat more of..’, ‘eat less of…’ messages. In our heart of hearts, as product developers, we know that the key message and […]
In the period between 1993 and 2013 obesity increased in the UK from around 15% of the population to nearer 25 %. As result there is increased scrutiny to food composition and health, most recently with the launch of the Action on Sugar campaign and the Scientific Advisory Committee on […]